Kid Sized High Striker Game

Kiddie Sized High Striker

Step right up and test your luck and skill with this carnival game favorite. Flex your muscles and ring the bell to let everyone know you've got what it takes.
Our 8′ tall High Striker is a kiddie version of the traditional swing the hammer game. This smaller High Striker is delivered in a truck, and with additional crew, can be delivered somewhere without drive-able access. Please contact our office before booking if there are any questions or concerns about your set up location. This easier version is recommended for kids up to age 10. (Looks like adult high striker only shorter) Comes with a rubber coated mallet. You will need to provide the attendant for this attraction and set up needs to be in an area where onlookers wont be behind the player.
Many venues will provide a small prize for each player to show participation. This provides a great opportunity when used at a business location to hand out your promotional material.
Please note that this is not a stand alone rental item but is generally added onto a package of rental items. We are more than happy to discuss your event details and assist you with coming up with a package that will appeal to a broad range of participants.