Nine Square Game

Setup Area: Length: 28ft x Width:28ft x Height: 10ft
Actual Size: Length: 18ft × Width:18ft × Height: 7ft
Monitors: 1
Outlets: 1
Age Group: 6+
Nine Square Inflatable Group Game Rental
Who Can Play the Nine Square Game?
Nine Square Game rental is perfect for churches, camps, schools, park and recreation departments, family reunions, and more! The Nine Square Game is a high action group game that enables 9 players at a time to rotate through the squares while attempting to keep the ball from touching the ground within their square. If you’ve never played Nine Square, it’s shockingly fun! Very easy to play with groups of 9 all the way through like 40! The inflatable Nine Square Game rental is a nice casual game that can become quite competitive.
How To Play the Nine Square Game
Rules of the game are easy enough that everyone can catch on quickly. The goal is to be the "King" or "Queen" of the game for as long as you can. Just six easy to remember rules are all you need to play the Nine Square Game:
1) The King or Queen serves the ball from the center square to any other square by hitting the ball up and over the top of the center game square.
2) Players must return the ball by hitting the ball up and over the top of their square to any other player's square. No "spiking" is allowed.
3) If a player fails to return the ball to another player's square, that player is out.
4) Hitting the ball more than once results in an elimination.
5) Touching the game structure during game play results in elimination.
6) When a player is "out" they leave their square and move to the end of the line. The other players advance to fill the square of the player who just got out.
What is the Main Skill Developed in the Nine Square Game?
Nine Square Game rentals provide an opportunity for players to use many common game skills (hand–eye coordination, passing, strategizing, defense, etc), while simultaneously learning to cooperate and resolve conflict. Communication skills are part of critical thinking and playing group games such as Nine Square help to develop this skill. As we live in an age where technology permeats our activites it is important to "unplug" from tech and interact with others in a real way. When a player gets "out" in the game of Nine Square that player can return to the end of the line where they will wait for another turn to enter the game. Good sportsmanship is another personal self development skill that is important in both work and play, therefore the Nine Square Game is a perfect addition to a company team building event.